Is Isa Al-Masih Really a Manifestation of God?
The Quran gives Isa Al-Masih a mighty and glorious name. He is called the Word of Allah (Qs 3:45, 3:39). Yes, only Isa Al-Masih is given such a lofty and important title. Why is this? Why are no other prophets given such a name or title? There must be something about Isa Al-Masih that is truly unique and superior to all the other prophets of Allah. The Quran declares the supremacy of Isa Al-Mash in Qs 4:171 by not only calling Him the Word of Allah, but a Spirit from Allah as well. Isa Al-Masih is the voice of Allah. He was chosen to declare the will of God to man on earth. As God thinks, so Isa speaks. And by the Spirit from Allah, He performed miracles that only God can perform. Only God is Perfect and Holy, yet the Quran Tells us Isa Al-Masih is Perfect and Holy. God could not choose a mere earthly man to be his word. Man is sinful and fallen. There is no way the righteous and divine mind of God could un...